Pupil Wellbeing

Our pastoral care system is at the heart of our school, allowing us to nurture the individual qualities, aptitudes and personalities of every pupil.
Girl pupils

Providing a supportive environment

At Kelvinside, we focus on nurturing each individual’s unique qualities while providing a supportive environment. Our Wellbeing Base offers pupils a cosy space for relaxation, complete with sofas and bean bags. The caring atmosphere and positive approach promotes good mental health and helps to equip pupils with the awareness and tools to handle life’s challenges.
  • Pastoral House System

    Each year group is divided into small classes with dedicated Form Tutors, who link with one of our four Heads of House (who are introduced below). This structure ensures every pupil feels safe and supported. We encourage open communication between school and home to address any issues promptly and sensitively.

  • PSE Programme

    Our Physical, Social & Relationship Education (PSE) Programme teaches essential life lessons through weekly, age-appropriate classes. Topics include decision-making, drugs and alcohol, and relationships. We also invite experts to speak at key developmental stages.

  • School Nurse

    We have a full-time, trained school nurse available throughout the day to assist with illnesses or injuries, providing universal and targeted support.

  • School Counselling Service

    Our experienced School Counsellor, registered with the BABCP, offers confidential support. Referrals are made through Heads of House or the school nurse. Parental cooperation is essential for effective counselling.

Pastoral Leadership Team

Each year group from SP-S6 is divided into smaller class groups, led by a Form Tutor. The tutor’s role is to oversee individual pupils’ progress and acts as an essential link between pupil, teacher and parent. These tutor teams are headed up by four Heads of House, who work with form tutors to ensure that every single pupil feels safe and supported and develop the skills they need to live happy, healthy, balanced lives. We have dedicated pastoral leads working at the key transition points of Senior School: Senior 6 is overseen by Mr Simpson, Head of S6; Mrs Kennedy is Head of Transitions and Senior Prep Teacher.
Deborah Gallacher
Deputy Rector
Siobhan Totten
Head of Colquhoun House
Laura FitzGerald
Head of Stewart House
Lynsey Preston
Head of Buchanan House
Morgan Hood
Joint Head of MacGregor House
Euan Smith
Joint Head of MacGregor House
Craig Simpson
Head of S6
Fiona Kennedy
Head of Transitions