Wrap Around Care

We understand how difficult it can be for families to balance work and home commitments, so we offer early drop off to Breakfast Club as well as flexible After School Care for your child.

Breakfast Club & After School Care 

Pupils from J1-J6 can use our Breakfast Club and After School Care facility.

What’s on offer

  • Catering for children from Junior 1 to Junior 6.
  • Breakfast from 8am.
  • After School Care available from the end of the school day to 6pm.
  • Free and more structured play that is creative, engaging and enjoyable in a welcoming, fun environment.
  • Children can take part in a varied programme of activities in the computer suites, multi-media room, playground, games hall or dining hall.
  • Opportunity to complete homework (supervised by a classroom assistant) therefore freeing up family time.
  • Healthy snacks and drinks.

The team

Our After School Care programme is led by a team of highly qualified, passionate, and caring staff. Pupils in our program feel not only cared for but also trust our staff to challenge them and promote their independence.

The team is trained in first aid, child protection, and behaviour management, and they are always available to discuss your child’s well-being.

Times & Costs

We aim to help you find the right balance for you and your family by offering flexible options to suit your needs. You can choose to use our service on a permanent or ad hoc basis. If you need to make last-minute arrangements, we will do our best to accommodate your child. To book a place in After School Care, email us.
Email Us
A3:10pm (J1-3) 3:15pm (J4-6)3:45pm£4.80
B3:10pm (J1-3) 3:15pm (J4-6)4:30pm£9.50
C3:10pm (J1-3) 3:15pm (J4-6)6pm£17.00