Ready to Join Us?

No matter their current age and stage, choosing a school for your child is a big decision with many different factors to consider – that’s why our Admissions Team is here to make your decision-making journey a smooth and enjoyable one.

Apply To Join

Each admissions journey is slightly different depending on the age of your child and individual circumstances, however, all will include various opportunities for you get to know Kelvinside Academy. It is important that we also get to know your child as an individual, which we do through a comprehensive process including a meeting with our Rector or Head of Junior School and entrance assessment. Choose your child’s entry level below to start your Kelvinside Journey.
From ages 3 to 5, our Nursery provides the perfect starting point for your little ones in our Nursery 1 and Nursery 2 classes.
Junior & Senior
From ages 5 to 10, our Junior School gives children the best opportunities possible to grow and develop. From ages 11 to 18, our Senior School prepares students for future success, readying them for the real-world.
Outwith the UK
If applying for a place from outwith the UK, please use this application form.

Admissions Team

Our friendly Admissions Team are the first point of contact in your admissions journey. Give them a call as the first step in getting to know us and finding out more.
Ivy Hill

Admissions Manager
Tel: 0141 357 3376

Kerry Bottomley

Director of Admissions & Communications
Tel: 0141 357 3376

Arrange a Visit

Our team are always on hand to help. From arranging a school visit to general enquiries, please feel free to reach out and speak to us.

Fees, Bursaries & Scholarships

We believe we offer exceptional value with small class sizes and skilled teachers, and our fees include textbooks, art supplies, insurance, and outings. Discounts are available for families with multiple children and bursaries are offered to talented students based on financial need and performance in the admissions process. Interested families can apply for bursary support by completing an application form and submitting financial details.